Monday, December 17, 2007

Buddy..."Lucky" owners found two streets over...:)

Mom and Dad say YAY! Hannah says "BOOOO!!"
I was gone all day yesterday at my Math study group when I got the text...
"Lucky" found his people!
Who? Oh, you mean Buddy. YAY!!
At break, Todd told me that Hannah did not want him to leave and the owner lady actually felt a little sad for Hannah. But Hannah saw how happy she was to have "Lucky" back that she was ok with it, she guesses.... :)
Yay Lucky!! We will miss you!


Arizona Mama said...

And mom breathes a sigh of relief! Whew! I'm glad he's home safe! His owners must have been worried!

Bobbie said...

Yea...Booo....Yea....Booo. Lucky/Buddy will be happy to go back home but will miss Hannah...besides she could go over there and see him once in awhile :)

Debi said...

LOL, Mom. Yea Boo is right. But more yea than boo because Lucky's lucky owners have him in their family again.

P.S. Thank you for the Christmas card and photo!