Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Horny Toad...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Horned lizards (Phrynosoma) are a genus of the
Phrynosomatidae family of lizards. The horned lizard is popularly called a "horned toad," "horny toad", or "horned frog," but it is neither a toad nor a frog. The popular names come from the lizard's rounded body and blunt snout, which give it a decidedly toad-like or frog-like appearance. (Phrynosoma literally means "toad-bodied.") The spines on the back and sides of this lizard are made from modified scales, whereas the horns on the heads are true horns (i.e. they have a bony core).

Horned lizards carry with them a wide variety of means to avoid predation. Their coloration generally serves as camouflage. When threatened, a horned lizard's first defense is to remain still and hope it avoids detection. If it is approached too closely and is forced to move, it generally runs in short bursts and stops abruptly, hoping to confuse the predator's visual acuity. If this fails, it will puff up its body to cause its spiny scales to protrude, making it appear larger and more difficult to swallow. At least four species also have the ability to squirt an aimed stream of blood from the corners of the eyes for a distance of up to 3 feet. The horned lizard is able to do this by restricting the blood flow leaving its head, thereby increasing blood pressure and rupturing tiny vessels around the eyelids. This not only confuses would-be predators, but the blood is also foul-tasting to canine and feline predators. It appears to have no effect against predatory birds. But the horned lizard has yet more defenses in its bag of tricks should a predator attempt to pick it up.

Even the dogs wanted to play with the lizzard, toad thingy... :)

Vinnie was very interested and tried to taste him.

Yoda was not too sure about any of it.

Of course Max had to get his nose into all of it and the lizzard scared him.

They both jumped alot.

Hannah tried picking it up by the tail... lets just say we saw how big they can puff up too! :)


Gail Binnion Lyons said...

Oh my goodness...the toad is actually "cute". Hannah gets quite an education with all these critters! Like daughter. Todd used to LOVE bringing me home critters...and then frightening me with them! I can still see him laughing at me...that beautiful laugh that I still love!!

Leah said...

I didn't know that you guys have corgis! Aren't they wonderful? We're crazy about ours.

Love all of the pics.:)

Hannah's Mom said...

Hi Leah,

They aren't ours, but my friends and we babysit all the time. :) We love them!
