Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who knew?!

Who knew we would be so into nature this first week of vacation... :) It has inspired us to go on little adventures and has also given Todd the itch to get his jeep back together (at my urging...:) ). This morning Hannah and I are going to the Monestary, right down the road, and take pictures of leaves and bugs and birds and what ever else we find. We are having a blast! So check back this evening and there are sure to be new photos of Southeastern Arizona desert life. :)

Have a great day!


Gail Binnion Lyons said...

Looking forward to it! Jeshuah, Chloie and Malichai are here with Mommy for a few days, so I'll bring up your blog so they can share in their cousin Hannah's nature experiences. I'll take a few pictures and send them to Hannah via your email, so Hannah can see what her cousins are up to fun fun!

Gail Binnion Lyons said...

(FROM CHLOIE YOUR COUSIN) you have fun with all of your animals that you have? Do you take them out and play with them? Do your dogs swim with you. I hope I can see you another time.
Do you have anything for your animals to play with? I love the animals that you have and that you caught. Love, Chloie

Hannah's Mom said...


I sure do... I have 2 dogs and 5 kitty cats, 2 live inside, 3 live outside. They bring me lizzards, birds and mice too much. Do you have any animals?

The dogs have a pool for them. They go in and get drinks and get wet. Max has a tug-a-war rope, he loves to play with another dog Vinnie.

What are you doing at Nana's house? Are you having fun at Nana's house? I have lots of fun with my animals do you?

What is Malichai, Jeshuah and Jay Jay doing?

That's all...
I love you Chloie,

Gail Binnion Lyons said...

(From Chloie) Hannah...yea I have two cats Woofie and Dusty. Tails ran away and probably died because she was old and sick. I got a rat and her name is Jewel. She's very smart and when we forget and leave her out, she wakes my mom up and gets in her bed and wakes her up.

I am playing with my friend Raina at Nana's house. Grandpa took me and Jeshuah and Malichai to the creek and we picked cattails for Mommy. Jay and Jordyn were in Rocky Point with Uncle Chad and everyone, and Jay and Jordyn are flying here tomorrow night.

How tall are you? I am 4'1". Are you still in school cuz I'm out of school. I got out on May 24th.
I love you too Hannah,
Chloie your cousin

Hannah's Mom said...


I am 52 inches tall (I get measured at the doctors this week so I dont really know). My mom just told me that was 4 feet 4 inches. My legs really hurt a while back cause I growed so much. (Exact wording)

I am out of school too. I can wait till baseball is over so I can go with my Dad to work for a week. I bet you had fun at the creek. My dad wants to take me fishing, maybe when I go to work with him.

How is Jay Jay? Tell everybody Hi! I better go.