Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A poll...

On the side bar is a poll... Hannah and I wondering how many times do you have to do dishes a day. Picture this, I do dishes 4 x a day or roughly and Michael does help too. But, today, EVERY SINGLE CUP in the house was dirty at dinner and I only have one biological child!! :) How does this happen? So, as I made the kids that were here aware that I was upset... I asked Hannah how many dishes do you think other people do? Silly question and really I can solve this, but have been a little lax (?) on the subject. Oh well enough rants for now... :) I thought this would just interesting for the both of us.


Bobbie said...

You'd think with just two people we wouldn't need to wash dishes every day. But...if you cook at home, you are going to wash dishes. Once in awhile we will decide to eat out at our favorite Mexican, but we eat most of our meals here, and most are from scratch since I have gluten intolerance and hubby is diabetic.

Hannah's Mom said...

Thanks for posting! I know it should just be the two of us... but we are softy's and the neighborhood house. Today we had 7 + me + my dad... :) Does that help to see where the 4 loads a day. :)

Debi said...

I voted that I do dishes every day. Truth be known, some days I skip. But I TRY to do them once a day. Having kids at home makes a huge difference. Me, I know every dish is mine, so I don't mind grabbing a glass, give it a quick rinse, and re-use it.

What if you picked up unique glasses at a yard sale so that each person would know his/her own and re-use that one?

We'd rather you have time to take pictures and blog and do all the fun things you do than do dishes ;)

Hannah's Mom said...

It is so funny that you should mention the different glasses... We sort of did that. But, I think I have solved it! I only have as many glasses as people. I know its a pain in away... but I am getting dish pan hands. ;) I think when we get the dish washer installed it wont frazzle me! :)

In the poll someone answered, 1 x a few weeks and when I told Hannah she asked me... how do they eat then. LOL Truth be told, I wont let the kids eat off my beautiful stone ware my husband bought me last year. Can you imagine if they could eat off those plates... I would still be doing dishes!! Thank you all for helping the anxiety level come down and the smile level go back up!

Audrey said...

I swear, the moment we do dishes, David uses every spoon in the drawer. I am content washing the same dish and using it over and over again. But David will use all of the bowls, then the cups... and THEN he'll do dishes. I've tried to get a routine going with him... but he's not any good... I'm usually not either, but I'm better than him. We work best when we do the dishes together. Surprisingly.

Leah said...

I do dishes at least three times a day, with every meal. If I bake something in-between, then it's 4x or more. I feel like a dishwashing machine sometimes...always running! But I hate having dirty dishes stacked in the sink, especially at night before I go to bed.

Anonymous said...

At least 2x per day! YUCK!
However, it makes a great bonding time either with my girls, hubby or God!