Friday, July 20, 2007

Why did the rooster cross the road?

We don't have that answer but... Hannah had fun chasing him home.:)


Bobbie said...

You have chickens? I have chickens? Show us!

Debi said...

Another Great Minds Think Alike moment! I had just finished posting about chickens this morning. We all have some serendipity going on. Must be that Soul Sista connection. :)

I laughed out loud when I saw the pictures and your "answer" to the age-old riddle. I also chuckled when I saw the rooster visiting you guys the same way the cow had a while back! Makes me laugh again just writing about it.

Hannah's Mom said...

Good Morning Soul Sista's and fellow bloggers, it is a happy day... I am sorry to say that was not our rooster. I will post some photos later today of our chicken coop from our old house. We had 32 chcikens and we had some of them laying twice a day, I will give you our secret in the post.

Chickens... I can not wait to start that serious of photos, which will be this fall. We miss our chickens and our neighbors miss the eggs. So, Todd and Hannah have cleared the area to build and have been designing it. I can hardly wait.