Saturday, July 21, 2007

WOW!!! Totally in her enviroment!

The piece of Alabaster Hannah picked? Can you see in it what she did?

Today, Hannah found her comfort zone... yes, there still was a bit of shyness but, not after 10 minutes of warming up she broke through that shell and became the Artist Hannah. :) I have never been so impressed with my daughter and her talents as I was today! I actually cried.

We took an alabaster carving class at Gallery of Dreams here in Saint David... What a wonderful, warm place and the nicest set of people. We started at 9:00 am and we just got home. Hannah showed off her work of art and took off to find more frogs.. not like the 100+ you caught last night wasn't enough. ;) Oh my gosh... I can't stop smiling, what a great time!!

Mr. and Mrs. Trask, gallery owners, were so impressed by Hannahs eye and talent she was showing, that they have asked us to send copies of photos today and are going to display them in the gallery, as well as on their website. They are very encouraging and hope to see more of her around there. Hannah says she cant wait for the next class and even asked them if they were having anyother kinds of classes. :)

The finished piece... INCREDIBLE!!
(Sorry for gushing...I just am in awe of her talent!)
It is a Grizzly bear on a rock...
(I thought it looked like a rooster first, but she definitely saw what it was meant to be.)


Bobbie said...

Wow and wowee! She is such a talent. And what an honor for her and for her mother. Good on her!

Debi said...

That is amazing! My gosh, I can perfectly see the muscle-tone and stance of the bear. He's a very bear-like bear. Wonderful job, Artist Hannah!

No wonder Mom is so proud.

Leah said...
