Sunday, August 26, 2007


Anyone know what this is? Well, reading for my Human Geography class brought this to my attention. This is a name of a town in Wales. How would you like to write that on a letter.

The 58-letter name means "the Church of St. Mary's in the grove of the white
hazelnut tree near the rapid whirlpool and the Church of St. Tisilio near the
red cave."
When the railways were built in the 19th century, the people of the town decided to change the name... It would intrigue people to stop when they saw the signs in the stations. Now, isn't that a hoot. (Before the railways the name was only the first 20 letters.)

For all of my long time friends and for the new ones as well... I am a proclaimed people observer. This world and the people in it amaze me and I love to learn why people and places are what they are. I have been doing a lot of soul searching this past year, as far as where I want to go with school. I have gone back and forth and sideways...

Sociology is where I thought I would go first. Then it was off to nursing (midwife, still a possibility, just a lay midwife). Then there was Elementary Ed., hmmm, not a good choice for me right now. I have fallen in love with Geography again, So, am I any closer to making a decision? You bet, Secondary Ed. Social Sciences with a minor in Geography. There you have it!! I only need 3 more classes to receive my AS in Geography and 2 more years for my seconday Ed. teaching. I am on the top of the Mountain looking at my future... WWWWooooohhhhoooo!!! I have never been more sure of what to do and oh am I excited.

Who would have thunk taking one class could do it for, but this class has. Truth be told, I should always go with my gut instinct and go with my first choice, which was Secondary Ed. Social Sciences (that is what I declared my major to be when I started to school.). Looking at it though, I am glad I have done my exploring now and have made my decision.

A P.S. to this... Culture Diversity Class, well after this semester, let's just say, I wont be the same. :) I know that is what college is suppose to do for you, change you, make you more aware, and boy had it done that! (Like you all needed to know that...) :)


Bobbie said...

Yea! Now we know what you will do with all that education! Good for you, I know it is a relief to know exactly where you are going. I know also, that it will take a lot of hard work on your part to get there, having done the same thing when I was young with 3 kids. Is it worth it? You bet!

Bobbie said...

p.s. how is the graphic pen? Any time to fool with it?

Hannah's Mom said...

The graphic pen was played with a bit last night. I have a new setup and have to load some programs that I had on my laptop. My husband is a flat screen fanatic and has recently purchased a 32 inch flat screen monitor for our home computer. Can you say... overkill. :) Actually, I love it and it is so awesome for graphic or working with photos. So maybe this weekend I will have something to share. :)

School, It is so worth it and I just found out about an opportunity to be an office assistant at the school and get paid for answering phones while studying. ;) Say a pray and cross those fingers. :) Thank you for thinking of me and missing our posts, Hannah will be excited to here that when she gets home today.