Thursday, August 16, 2007


How did I get here…

Well, 3 years of Todd being on the road has taken a toll on my wifeness. (like that one?!) I already had a huge problem with being a “submissive” wife, but add 3 years of trying to be a submissive wife 3 days a week, single mom 4 days a week and so on, watch out wifeness. We talk everyday on the phone and he has had to give me a lot of the decision making power while he is on the road, but it is much easier to keep myself in the role of being a submissive wife when he is home. I am an all or nothing kinda gal and that is something I pray to God about all the time. I am his wife ALL the time, not just 3 days a week and those old habits of being head strong and single minded creep in.

This morning Christina lead me to a blog about just this subject and WOW, it is there in black and white what a submissive wife is, should do. (Not like it isn't in black and white in the Bible, duh!!) I could count too many of them for myself that I falter at.

One of the on going disagreements we have had throughout our marriage is that I give of myself to much so too other people and not enough to us. I always disagree and believe that to be one of my strong suits; great friend, willingness to do for others, help always, etc. But… by the time I get home, I have nothing left for the moment for us. It has just been in the last year that it has hit me that I need to change this and that, oh my gosh, he is right… moderation, I can still help, but in moderation. J If it is something that we have disagreed on for 8 years, I guess you could say, Hello, Windy, are you listening to me, it is God, Knock, Knock… Learn to change it. (Ok, a little head strong, but I can change that too!)

I love my husband and 100% appreciate the Great Husband and Father that he is… and I pray to God that he will strengthen my desire to be the mate, partner, wife, team member, that he needs me to be.

Wanted to share this…:)


Anonymous said...

You got the same message that I did! Thank you for honesty on this tough subject.
In Him,

Charity Grace said...

Oh, Windy, what a precious post! I love to see people let God change them...And the fruit is so sweet. You've inspired me today. Blessings, my friend.

Bobbie said...

It seems that the advice is good and what better source!

Debi said...

Since I'm not married, I think I'll refrain from much of a comment.

I do want to say that I hope you find the strength and courage to be what you want to be for yourself and your family. And a loving, caring spouse can help you in that regard.

Hannah's Mom said...

Thank you ladies for your encourgement!!