Monday, September 10, 2007

How is everyone doing?

Good Morning Ladies,

School has taken over my life again. That hour block I set aside for blogging has been taking over with all of the reading I have to do. YIKES! Just this weekend I had to read 400+ pages and read with Hannah, which was much more enjoyable. Enough of that! :)

I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing with their eating. :) I have lost 5 lbs, not sure where from, probably my big toe, but hey, it is 5 lbs gone. I have been such a slacker with posting recipes and I will hopefully this coming up weekend. :)

Exercise seems to be the hardest thing for me... I am at the point where I just have to do it, even if I don't want to!! I thought I could read while I walk, lol, what was I thinking I slow down to a step a minute because I am concentrating on what I am reading. LOL

Here is a tip from the "Biggest Loser" website (I find this show, or the people on the show, inspiring.): I know we all move, but could we move more... I know I need to!

What you can do now: Find an activity that you would choose
without knowing it’s good for you or something you would miss doing if you no longer could. After completing it, journal how it felt to move and why you’re grateful for the ability and opportunity.

Have a most fabulous week and I look forward to hearing about your progress!!


Bobbie said...

Way to go, Shedding Mamma! I got all stressed out and gained 5 lbs when dh had surgery...aaarrrrgggghhhh!

Debi said...

Five pounds is great! And I don't care where it came from. Good bye and good riddance, I say.

Me, I'm not doing as good as I should, but that's ok. I have begun walking and maybe that's why I'm not losing (muscle weighs more than fat). Still, I've lost and kept off 10 pounds since middle of July. Only 90 more to go. Sigh.

I look forward to your recipes, when you can post them, dear. I know it's a busy time for you. Good luck with your classes. I think of you often.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 5 lbs!!!