Sunday, July 15, 2007

My husband... the driving force behind being organized.

How is this for keeping it straight... Look at the keys with the heart stickers. How cute is that?! Ssssshhhh, dont tell him I said it was cute. ;) When I asked him why? he said, he was sick of trying each key to find the right one. Notice, B=bottom, M=middle, T=top, which is for his locking tool box. His tool box is also organized and one day I get to label it. :)
Ok, it is his OCD or adult A.D.D. that I have caught. hehehehe


Debi said...

How cute! Er, I mean, how clever! Seriously, clever. Isn't it funny how the simplest thing (labels) can eliminate frustration.

lebanesa said...

Great idea - reduce stress at least a couple of times a day by such a simple thing.
I have one front door key with a cap on it - makes life easy when you are approaching the door and it's dark. (Being a scaredy-lady;-))