Monday, July 30, 2007

Pippie and our Chicks...

I was looking for the photos of Todd building our first chicken coop (for Bobbie) when I came across the photos of the first day getting Pippie our wonderful Goat. The first few are of Hannah trying to feed her a carrot... she must of got bored with trying and laid down in the pen and started eating the carrot herself. I had forgotten all about these photos... thank you Bobbie for making me look for the chicken photos. ;) You can see the chicken coop in these photos and our two grouping of chickens... Those were the days and how we can not wait to do that again!

** Our secret for getting our hens to lay sometimes twice a day... We added light on a timmer, so they were getting 16 hours of light and we played soft music all day. Sometimes we would shake things up a bit and play rock, a few of them loved it! I also think by use collecting eggs twice a day helped as well... they thought, hmmm, we might have to lay some more. lol Hannah was great at collecting and would ask permission to have the eggs, Ms. Chicken can I have your egg please... and it came to a point that they really would only let her collect the eggs, well, they would get upset when we did. ;)


Bobbie said...

What darling chicks and kids and kid :) They are a joy to keep and take care of aren't they? And, of course, there are those wonderful eggs that are such a treasure to find. I'll have to try the soft music and light and see what they make of that. I'd love to have a Pippie too, but one can only have what one can care for and I am at my absolute limit.

Hannah's Mom said...

testing...:) I want to see if the picture thingy worked.

Debi said...

What a smile these pictures brought to my face this morning. I'm still smiling as I write this. That Hannah is just so darling. I loved the picture and story of her lying down, tired, eating the carrot. Adorable kid!