This morning I was lucky enough to be clicking through the channel and catch an interview with one of my favorite people in our world... Dr. Maya Angelou.
"Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency." Dr. Maya Angelou This has to be one of my favorite quotes of hers. She spoke about finding the courage to ask a stranger "their name", not Billy, Bob, or Sally, but "their name". To remember that strangers name and to use that name the next time you come across them or call on them and it will show them that they are remembered. How Wonderful... we all want to be remembered.
What a wise and articulate women. I hope to achieve even a 10th of her wisdom and courage.
Happy Birthday Dr. Maya Angelou!!
Happy Birthday, Maya! What a wonderful person and writer she is.
Here's another soul sista moment: Maya is one of my heroes too! Indeee she is one of my mentors. How so? When I have a problem, I convene a round table discussion in my imagination. I usually gather around four to six heroes of mine and ask for their input. Maya is a favorite and I almost always "invite" her.
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