Saturday, June 30, 2007

News Flash!!

Hannah and I were talking while getting our hair cut... She wants to grow her hair out a "little". Ever since the bad haircut, short is good. I think she feels a little bit safer that way. Plus, don't we all go through stages... ;) She is still a dare devil and loves functionality in her clothes and shoes, hey, me too!

For all who don't know... Hannah had shoulder length beautiful blonde hair. We went to "Supercuts" and asked for a short "Bob". She had taken a pair of scissors to hair and I only wanted it as short as the shortest piece.... well I proceeded to get my hair washed, thinking the lady had it under controll (picture and all). Sitting down in the chair, I look in the mirror and...... GONE!! all of her beautiful hair almost gone. The lady thought I said short boy hair cut, uh, was there a boy in the picture and Hannah, is that a boys name?! Well, I told my lady, cut it short for me too, tried to lessen the blow of it all.
Hannah was ok with it and even liked the ease of short hair, but it has been short, short, long enough. :)

We may get the short "bob" after all. Yippie!! Although, we can't draw attention to it, she might change her mind... :)


Debi said...

I could have cried when I read about Hannah's unintentional hair cut! And God bless you for being such a good mom, getting your own hair cut short too.

Hannah, though, is so adorable she can pull off any hairstyle!

Hannah's Mom said...

Thanks Debi! She can pull off any hair cut, I love it! Truth be told, I really like the short hair for myself. It fits our face. I wanted Hannahs hair to be a little softer around her face. :) Hannahs personality, well, what can I say... She is a mix of me and her dad and watch out world cause she is going to conquer you! ;)

Bobbie said...

What a great reason to get a haircut! 'Cause your daughter got one. Now that I am older I get them for any old it is too hot today or my hair is too long at 2"