Thursday, July 26, 2007

They are watching you... Eat your vegetables and fruits!!

Snack time today at our house... fresh peaches, apples, peanut butter and whole wheat crackers, yummy!

I have to post something about this... I was reading my dear cousin-in-laws blog this morning and sadness for our nation struck me like a ton of bricks. If you get a chance take a look and read her post for today, it will make you think and cry (it did me).

Our children's health is failing in America and it brings up many emotions. I want to save them all!! Why is it OK with Society to raise kids to be addicted to video games, junk food and really awful TV, theres more...?! I do not have the answers by any means, but I remember yesteryear and how did we get to where we are in such a short time?

I have my food issues, and boy am I aware of them and how I do not want to pass them on to Hannah. I am learning to balance that fear with a healthier way of living with food and hopefully Hannah will not have the same struggles. She loves her fruits, veggies and water, thank God for that!

"Lead by example!", is a phrase that is big in our house in so many ways... That is what needs to be done; Schools, adults, Society, and so on, lead by example. Confusing, to say the least, how can we change this? One person at a time.

I am adding a few links to the side bar and different food programs that schools can adopt and other information.

PS. Please keep Vicki and Joey in your prayers... they both need help from God to change their eating for the sake of life.


Bobbie said...

I agree with you 100% Life has changed so fast. I remember when I was a kid and all the kids up and down our block playing after school. Now you hardly ever see a child on the street. We walked to school and any other place we wanted to go, like the show on Saturday. Not only did we like to play outside, we were told to go outside quite often..and don't slam the door! ha ha. We didn't have a TV and so why stay indoors. Well that was quite awhile ago and a lot of things have changed since then for a lot of different reasons. It is good to see Hannah doing a lot of different stuff instead of sitting around the house eating bonbons!

Debi said...

I see too that Hannah is having a wonderful childhood of activity, healthy eating, and positive attitudes.

Pass that child more apples and cheese. She's going to be President one day!