Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Coffee with the Girls...

Good Morning Ladies and...

After cleaning the house this morning I sat down and was done (for right now at least...). All my chores were done, and my mind started to run a little. It made me think of the days when we had a coffee group of moms that would get together on Mondays for Coffee, Boy, how I miss that. All of our lives have gotten busy with going back to work or school, some of us went to homeschooling, or we just had other things to do! :( We use to discuss the most obscure things to the topic of the moment (politics, schooling, etc.), it was fabulous.

I think my mind is starting to kick into school mode and substance is what is calling for. I need to get back to reading more, having grown up talk :), and more. HEEHEHEHE... oh no, I am having a moment. lol So, anyone, anyone start a subject. I can't even think of one... lol

Ok... here is something:

Something that champs my hide is that they don't make "Talls" for children. Hannah has such long legs that the size around the waist doesn't match the length she needs. I try slims, the pants with the adjustable waist, everything and they just don't work. She is a 6 to 7 waist and a 10 length, you could fit two of her in those pants that fit her length wise!! So now she has a great collection of belts, but not always does she like to wear them ( I cant say that I blame her!), plus they are so baggy in the legs. So I am calling on all children's clothes manufactured to consider, strike that, to make talls!! I think I have this frustration every time I go clothes shopping, so please, excuse me and my frustration!! :)

What books are you all reading? Maybe I need a new book to read.
Have a great morning ladies!!


Charity Grace said...

I have the same problem with Elizabeth. She is not that tall, but she is longer in the legs than what fits her in the waist.

What I'm reading...I just started The Hobbit, which I've never read before. Sad for a bibliophile like myself!

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my older daughter. I found that the pants at Aeropostle work the best (and they are ALWAYS on sale)! We buy 00. Can you believe that they even make that size? But they are PERFECT and cute. (And not too 'girly', as my daughter would say.)
Book... I just finished the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Great book! This will be on my daughters' list for this year. My favorite book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Great story!!! (Not for kids. It is a great Lady read.)

Bobbie said...

I've just started Memed, My Hawk by Yashar Kemal a Turkish writer. It is translated from "the" Turkish. It is too early to tell If I am going to like it. It starts off with a boy, Memed running away from home through a field of thistles...ouch!

Debi said...

My girls and I never ever had the problem you described. Still, I do sympathize, from way down here. ha

I'm reading, and almost finished with The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I think I'm the last in my family to read it, but I am loving it.

THE ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS is one of my favorite books, Christina, children or otherwise! Windy, has Hannah read it yet? She must. Better yet, read it together. I think it would be just the book for her -- a girl that uses her wits to stay alive and lots of animals in it. Seems like a perfect fit for her to me.