Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Posting... I only have few minutes. :)

Hello Blog'n friends!! Well it has been the usual first week at school... double billed for my books (ouch), one class may be cancelled, trying to figure out what to take in its place, trying to stay on top of it all, including Hannah's spelling... and so on.

I at least wanted to post about my eating out for dinner yesterday, still haven't made it to the grocery store and a friend invited us. I think, no, I know I am going to conquer this this time. We went to our favorite Mexican food restaurant for dinner. Oh no you may say, but it was easier than I thought to make a good choice. I had their small chicken salad... shredded chicken, lettuce, lots of lettuce, tomato, guacamole and vinegar and oil dressing. It was in a shell, but that is easy not to eat. It was yummy and filling. I usually would have had the big one with shredded beef, but since we are staying away from beef I refrained. Anyways, I felt triumphant and very excited to go shopping in December... ;)

So again, thank you for all of your encouraging words this last few days and to Antigone... you can do it sista!! :) We are here to support and love ya!

Exercise is coming... Now that I am settling into classes and a schedule I will add exercise this weekend. Can you feel the excitement?!

Have a most fabulous day and here is to eating healthy!!


Antigone said...

If you like salsa, you could use that sometimes good on Mexican salads.

I need to add exercise too. I recently bought a pregnancy Pilates dvd and I will try to add that in this weekend too.

Debi said...

I'm doing terrible, you guys! I think I'm being silly trying to "wing it." I think I need a plan. Hm.

But it's so good seeing you guys really taking charge and I know just reading about your efforts and choices, it reminds me what I need to do. "No try. Do."

Leah said...

Good job, Windy!!

I did horrible on Monday and Tuesday but yesterday I did really spite of the fact that we went back to the State Fair. I split a small cream puff with Stephen and Ethan and had a little kettle corn...but I didn't even taste Stephen's funnel cake.

And I've walked on the treadmill 3 days so far this week.