Ok, it is 3 am and I awoke to tears streaming down my face.
(Never go to sleep watching Oprah!!) :)
I know we will have regrets, but I have realized something... I want to have as few as possible. This to me, like everything I do, is something I need to find the balance in. I usually jump in feet first and go, go, go. Over the last few years I have become hindered some where.
Today was one of the moments that if you could redo you would.
Hannah had a half day today... "Mom can we stop at the library today?"
Oh, as I type this out, oh, I feel like such a heel!!!
My answer was "No, not today. I have a class in a few hours and we have to much to do at home."
So not Ok! Oh, so not ok!
There is so much more than just this moment. I have recently visited a
blog, not expecting to find what I found. A Mom of a little girl named Hannah, who does not have the chance to take her Hannah to library one more time. I know we can not live in the fear of no more tomorrow. We can not live our lives with the regret, or saying tomorrow, tomorrow. So... things will have to change!! Believe me... they will!
This has been a very hard few months, deciding, changing, figuring out priorities (the ones that really matter) and... :) The tears are a sign of that change and working through it all.
Ok, now that I have gotten that out of my system... hehehe
We WILL be going to the library today!!!
(I even went in and sat with Hannah for a few minutes hugged her, kissed her, and whispered in her ear, I love you sweety a million times. Poor thing!) :)
Thank you for listening and please make sure to give someone you love a hug today.